8 Deadly Facts About Breathing Pure Oxygen From Atmosphere

The atmosphere contains (by volume) 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. It also contains a variable amount of water vapor, on average around 1% at sea level, and 0.4% over the entire atmosphere. Hence, approx. 99% of the atmosphere contains nitrogen and oxygen, out of which nitrogen is highly inert and stable and also it doesn’t react quickly with air, and oxygen is a much needed compound for all living beings on Earth. Also it supports combustion, which most of the time is in your favors.

Do you know there are even oxygen bars all around the world that offer hits of 95% oxygen? These services claim a number of things making  you more productive at work, to being able to cure your hangover, but what if you were able to breathe 100% pure oxygen all the time? (Which means there would be 4.75 times more oxygen) Then the only places mammals would be able to breathe would be about 10-20 of the world’s highest mountains like Everest.

Here are the listed deadly consequences that would be faced by us if we Breathe Pure Oxygen From Atmosphere:

1) Medical consequences

What do you think inhaling 100% oxygen would make you an extremely energetic like hulk? Nope! not at all. Too much oxygen is actually a bad thing, it can cause oxygen toxicity in human beings.It is also known as oxygen toxicity syndrome, oxygen intoxication and oxygen poisoning.

i) The result of breathing too much pure oxygen, too fast, could damage cell membranes, collapse of the alveoli in the lungs, retinal detachment, seizures and the lungs will fill with liquid and you may end up dying. All these are the factors which will be caused by creating free radicals. Free radicals are unstable atoms that damage various organ cells and also they’re linked to a variety of diseases, including, cancer and Alzheimer.

breathing only oxygen,breathing 100% oxygen,Breathing pure oxygen facts,consequences,oxygen facts,atmosphere,fun facts, science facts

The fact is that at the top of Mt. Everest in this scenario, there would be about as much oxygen as sea level has in real life now.

ii) There are reports that by inhaling pure oxygen, we would even age faster and your life span drastically decreases. We may have wrinkles and gray hair at the age of 10 and would appear much older, but that could only happen if we evolved and adapted to live in an oxygen-only atmosphere.

Breathing pure oxygen,consequences,oxygen,atmosphere,fun facts, science facts

Below is the image in which you can see the symptoms of oxygen toxicity syndrome.

oxygen toxicity syndrome,Breathing pure oxygen,consequences,oxygen,atmosphere,fun facts, science facts

2) Natural consequences

What have you thought about your surroundings, plants and trees, and all insects? Let me tell you now:

i) For insects, it might be a different story from all of us. Around 300 million years ago, giant insects roamed the earth and do you know? At that time , the Earth’s atmosphere was 35% oxygen, a lot more than 20% we breathe today.

Breathing pure oxygen,consequences,oxygen,atmosphere,fun facts, science facts

As per researchers, the increased oxygen was responsible for those giant insects. It has to do with their tracheal system, a network of tubes that brings oxygen to the insect’s distinct cells, and takes away carbon dioxide. So, if there was more oxygen in the atmosphere then the insect’s tracheae would expand, their bodies would get bigger.

Breathing pure oxygen,consequences,oxygen,atmosphere,fun facts, science facts

ii) The atmosphere will become highly combustive and everything would get fired up instantly into ashes with a massive explosion even by lighting a matchstick. As you know oxygen is a key ingredient which makes a fire spread and expand more quickly. At last the sky would become full of black clouds and then everything would get cold.

Breathing pure oxygen,consequences,oxygen,atmosphere,fun facts, science facts

iii) Dropping of CO2 level with increasing levels of oxygen in the atmosphere will make plants and trees dead and hence results in insufficient production of food.

Breathing pure oxygen,consequences,oxygen,atmosphere,fun facts, science facts

3) Other consequences

i) No crews currently in space would be able to return to earth because the heat shields are not designed for the amount of heat produced in an oxygen only atmosphere.

Breathing pure oxygen,consequences,oxygen,atmosphere,fun facts, science facts

ii) The different colors of the Aurora Borealis (also known as northern lights, occurred near north pole) and Aurora Australis (also known as southern lights, occurred near south pole) lights are from different types of gases in the atmosphere, in your case the lights would be only green. They would also fill up the sky a lot more and come down further south.

aurora borealis image, aurora australis image,Breathing pure oxygen,consequences,oxygen,atmosphere,fun facts, science facts

iii) There would also be no ozone layer which protects us from UV rays, this would accelerate the death of plant life, animals and human beings would get skin cancer, many might have damage to their eyes, until the sky went black.

ozone layer image,Breathing pure oxygen,consequences,oxygen,atmosphere,fun facts, science facts

So such consequences would be faced by us. Finally what conclusion comes up, we will die in any other way! So must cherish what nature has gifted us. 

Source: Google.com, Wikipedia & sciencefocus

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